Mia Mai on Facebook!
, 1 min reading time
, 1 min reading time
We are active on Facebook. We will briefly present what you can read about us there! A visit is worthwhile for everyone who likes to be creative and active - and not necessarily with buttons!
One or the other has probably already noticed: The Mia Mai team is now also active on Facebook. We've had the account for quite a while, but we've been trying our best for a few months , to regularly publish interesting news here. We think that we know the typical customers of the Mia Mai Shop well: They are interested in a wide variety of topics that have something to do with creativity, handicrafts and hobbies.
And this is what our Facebook page looks like at the moment:
It's colorful here! On our Facebook page we refer to everything that we have just found on the Internet that is worth sharing with the fans of the Mia Mai page. Or to put it another way: We want to create added value here and not just refer to our own products (which are of course great and behind which we stand 100 percent!), but to think outside the (button) box.
Anyone who visits the category pages for buttons, button blanks and button paper will see a link to our Facebook page there. Something like this:
If you want to see all this faster, you can simply follow this link.
We are happy about your likes for the Mia Mai page, but even more about comments, so that we can see that our posts have been read and the suggestions accepted and maybe even once be imitated.
For example, who wants to build their own DIY shadow chandelier? Or would you prefer 3D paper stars? How can you creatively “restyle” your cocoa cup into a snowman? Those were just three of our last posts. You are also welcome to post your own photos in the comments. Suggestions on which topics we can write something are of course always welcome. Have fun with our Facebook presence!